My patient, driven, and incredibly intelligent husband has officially graduated from Texas A&M University with a B.S. in Nuclear Engineering! Whoop! I am so proud of all that he is and all that he has accomplished.
Graduation weekend was an emotional roller coaster to say the least. It started with pure joy and admiration on Friday when I watched my hubby walk the stage after four long hard years of studying for classes I have trouble pronouncing.
We celebrated his academic excellence on Friday and then when Saturday rolled around our thoughts were focused on his accomplishments in the Corps of Cadets and Aggie Band. We attended Final Review on Saturday evening and I was overwhelmed with a bunch of bittersweet feelings. All four years at final review have been moments of excitement. After fish year we were excited to be sophomores and do the yelling instead of being yelled at, after pisshead year he was excited to be an upperclassmen, and finally after butt year he was excited to be a senior and put on those senior boots. This year however, was a bit different, he would be taking those senior boots off for the last time and saying goodbye to many great friends that we have made over the past four years.
Here is a video that my uncle took of Ben's final step-off from the quad as Infantry Band Drum Major.
He was far more ready to hang up his spurs then I was to watch but as one chapter comes to a close another one starts, right? Here is our FINAL Picture from FINAL Review and Ben's FINAL time in uniform.
Here's to our four years at A&M. Thanks and Gig'em.
"From the outside looking in you can't understand it, and from the inside looking out you can't explain it"