Trip two of three we headed down to Portland to celebrate our nephew Mason's 3rd birthday and to attend a wedding shower for Amanda and Philip.
We drove in Friday night, and didn't stay up to late. That drive right after work is exhausting.
Saturday afternoon we went and ate lunch with the family at a new place in Corpus on the beach. It was so nice to be able to soak up a little gulf air. There were games in the sand that the restaurant had set up so it was nice to watch the boys play while we waited for our food.
After lunch we went back to Ben's parents house where we attempted to clean out the closet in Ben's old room. Just as I was feeling accomplished in cleaning out the junk room in our house upstairs we bring home another four boxes of stuff. Oh well, I think Ben's Mom was happy to see it go.
Later that evening we headed to the Barnett's for some cake, ice cream, and presents for Mason's 3rd Birthday! I cannot believe he is three! He was such a talker at his birthday party. Some things I want to remember are playing legos with him and watching him proudly carry around his new Cookie Monster stuffed animal. We would ask what Cookie Monster eats and he would say "Cooookkkkkiiiieeees" like you crazy people, what else would Cookie Monster eat? We had so much fun teasing him and asking what about cake? veggies? pizza? etc. and he would say "Nooo, Cookieeees". Three is so much fun!
On Sunday, the women of the family joined Philip and Amanda for a wedding shower. It was a lot of fun to see them open their gifts and get excited about their upcoming wedding in July. Philip enjoyed his "guy" gift from Ben and I (a drill). I was thinking as I was sitting next to my sister-in-law Holly, watching my future sister-in-law open the rest of their beautiful gifts that I have been truly blessed with the best sisters-in-law. I cannot imagine life without Jessica, Holly and Amanda. They are so much fun and are such good role models. I am so blessed.

One of my favorite parts of the shower was when all of the married women there were able to share a piece of advice with the soon to be newly weds. It was so sweet hearing from everyone whose relationships ranged from only a few years to many years together. Everyone had something unique to share but the advice all tied to the same thing. Keep God at the center of your marriage and look past the little things, because life is really to short to spend time upset with each other.
It was a short, but great family weekend. On we definitely need to try and recreate more often, no need for birthdays or showers to spend great time with family.