Almost two weeks ago I left my heart at the airport when I dropped the husband off for his three week trip to Italy, for work. And so far we are two weeks in. ONE week to go! I can't wait to have Ben home.
While he has been away I have had my last week of work with my old company and my first week of work at my new job. Both were great! It was bittersweet leaving me old job as I had become comfortable in my role and I had made friends along the way. I also used to work with my brother and I miss the daily drop ins from him to chat about things including my nephew, Jackson.
However, everyone at my new job have been so welcoming and I think I am really going to love what I am doing. It's a great environment and it is so much closer to home. I would go through a tank of gas a week going back and forth to my old job, but with my new commute...after a week I have used LESS than a quarter of a tank! Crazy! I might not have to fill up for a whole month! If you know my hate of traffic and commuting you know how excited I am about this.
With my new job came the need for updating my wardrobe. The first full weekend Ben was gone my Mom came up for a long weekend of shopping. It was so much fun to actually buy new clothes! I needed a few staples like dress pants and heels but then had a little fun and bought a few new work appropriate dresses.
We usually just window shop because, since I was young, I have always felt guilty spending money on myself. I digress.
After my Mom left last weekend my friend Ashley came to stay with me while her husband was out of town too. It was fun to catch up but all good things must come to an end. Her husband came home tonight which brings me to weekend number two sans Benjamin. Rollie and I have been watching a bit of TV and making lists of all the things we are going to clean during the rainy day we will have tomorrow. I am very excited about having a lazy weekend because even though it was a good week at work, it was also stressful being the new girl, so I could use a weekend to relax, clean (my stress reliever) and watch some college football.
Ben seems to be having a great time in Italy. The first week he was in Rome, this past week he was in Milan and next week he will be in Florence. He has taken hundreds of pictures and we have had the chance to talk and FaceTime several times, but I can't wait for him to get home and tell me all about his adventures. I am so grateful that he was able to make this trip and experience everything that he has, the food, the culture, the history. It has got to be amazing. Within the first few days he was already telling me that we needed to save our pennies so we can plan a trip for us both to go. I love that man.
So here is to the last 8 days, the first 14 haven't been too bad...but three weeks is just too long to be away! Let the countdown to next Saturday night begin!
My Love of Fall
- Lazy Saturdays watching College Football
-Catching naps during said football games during the 2nd and 3rd quarters. (the hubster and the pup are both asleep on the floor and the couch respectively, backwards...I think not hehe) no worries I caught my nap before lunch, in case you were concerned.
- Aggie Football Season Tickets! Whoop! We are so excited to be spending most of our September weekends at Kyle Field. I have to admit that SITTING down with back/arm rest instead of standing the whole game will be a nice change from our student days :)
- Have I mentioned College Football yet? It's really the one sport I don't mind watching random teams play. I just love the atmosphere and the heart! (unlike pro...they can get rid of that, blaspheme I know)
-Cooler Weather. Even if its just a slight 5 degree drop with 5% less humidity I can tell the difference. Rollie and I sure do enjoy our morning outings more when we can smell a hint of rain in that wisp of a breeze we might feel once or twice. I'll take 5 degrees cooler in Texas any day!
- Fall colors, I love the warm brown and red tones of fall, someday I will visit somewhere where the leaves change colors this time of year. I cannot wait to decorate the house now that we are officially in the Sept-Nov time frame of the year.
Side Note: Does anyone else think of the year like that? Sept-Nov (fall with the interruption of Halloween in October), Dec (Christmas), Jan (winter) Feb (Valentines), March-April (Spring/Easter), May-Aug (Summer)? Am I alone?
-Sweaters/Long Sleeves: Bring on the section of my closet that is longingly adored all year, but only enjoyed for maybe a month or two...maybe. Jewel tones...I miss you too.
-Lets be honest, as much as I would like to be active, you are just nuts in my book if you enjoy working out in the summer. There are some nights in the fall that I actually WANT to go RUN for awhile instead of my casual walk with the pup.
- Fall also means that I am ___this much closer to listening to Christmas Music. I am such a sap. I LOVE Christmas music and I do NOT get tired of it. I have to stop myself from listening to it sometimes during other points in the year.I have my favorites though, and I can be pretty picky in the versions of songs I find appropriate but oh Michael Buble, Josh Groban, Amy Grant, 33 Miles and of course all the classics Crosby, Sinatra, and Martin I cannot wait to reconnect with all of your Christmas Albums.
Ok now I am thinking about Christmas and I shouldn't get ahead of myself...fall first Christmas second.
This fossil bag is perfect for fall and would make a great Christmas gift...cough. ;-)
Do you share the love for my favorite time of the year? What do you like most about fall?
Two Quick Takes
Here are a few quick takes that probably deserve posts of their own but things have been a little crazy around here so I figured I would summarize :).
- Ben's younger brother, Philip, got married at the end of July, to the sweetest girl, Amanda. Ben and I were honored to be in their wedding party and even got to walk down the aisle together. Their wedding was one of the sweetest and most personal weddings we have been to. We had a lot of fun traveling to Amanda's home town of Three Rivers (which isn't too far from our home town) and hanging out with Ben's side of the family all weekend. We certainly got our dancing in, with the live band and huge dance floor they had, I have scars from blisters on my feet to prove it. I don't think I have ever seen two people more meant to be together then these two. You could definitely see God's hand in their relationship and I cannot wait to see where He leads them. We love them so much!
The second thing I wanted to catch you up on was our nephew, Jackson's 1st Birthday.
Jackson had a Dr. Seuss Party and it was the cutest thing. The cupcakes were decorated like Thing 1 and Thing 2, topped with blue cotton candy for the "hair". Everything on the food table had whimsical names and labels. His shirt that he wore even says "One I Am" on it. There was also a banner across their fireplace that had a picture on his "birthday" from each month from birth- 12 months. It was fun to see how much he has changed in just one short year. There were many other cute decorations to match the theme and Dr. Seuss party favors too. His Mama is so creative, I might have to hire her to do my kids party someday :)
Ben and I love this little boy so much. We got him first real A&M baseball hat and loved watching him wear it backwards...such a big guy. We cannot believe it has been a whole year. His personality is bigger then ever and I just love that he knows who we are and smiles when he sees us. When he reaches for you it just melts your heart. He's not walking quite yet, but when he does I am sure we are going to have so much chasing him around.
- Ben's younger brother, Philip, got married at the end of July, to the sweetest girl, Amanda. Ben and I were honored to be in their wedding party and even got to walk down the aisle together. Their wedding was one of the sweetest and most personal weddings we have been to. We had a lot of fun traveling to Amanda's home town of Three Rivers (which isn't too far from our home town) and hanging out with Ben's side of the family all weekend. We certainly got our dancing in, with the live band and huge dance floor they had, I have scars from blisters on my feet to prove it. I don't think I have ever seen two people more meant to be together then these two. You could definitely see God's hand in their relationship and I cannot wait to see where He leads them. We love them so much!
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They are so cute! |
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Her beautiful dress! Excuse the iPhone quality. |
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A quick shot before the wedding. |
Jackson had a Dr. Seuss Party and it was the cutest thing. The cupcakes were decorated like Thing 1 and Thing 2, topped with blue cotton candy for the "hair". Everything on the food table had whimsical names and labels. His shirt that he wore even says "One I Am" on it. There was also a banner across their fireplace that had a picture on his "birthday" from each month from birth- 12 months. It was fun to see how much he has changed in just one short year. There were many other cute decorations to match the theme and Dr. Seuss party favors too. His Mama is so creative, I might have to hire her to do my kids party someday :)
Ben and I love this little boy so much. We got him first real A&M baseball hat and loved watching him wear it backwards...such a big guy. We cannot believe it has been a whole year. His personality is bigger then ever and I just love that he knows who we are and smiles when he sees us. When he reaches for you it just melts your heart. He's not walking quite yet, but when he does I am sure we are going to have so much chasing him around.
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