Baby & Mommy @ 28-31
Size of Baby: 17 inches, 4 lbs, The size of a baby :)
Total Weight Gain: +13 lbs
Maternity Clothes? This weekend a co-worker of mine came by the house and dropped off two huge garbage bags FILLED with maternity clothes. Almost makes me want to be pregnant longer just so I can wear them!
Gender: Baby Girl :)
Movement: Oh yes, I even get worried when I haven't felt her in awhile because she moves so often. She is the most active when I am laying down, which makes trying to fall asleep interesting but its a great opportunity to thank God that I get to spend another night with her safely growing inside me.
Sleep: Just this week I have started experiencing a little insomnia, I sleep solidly til about 3:00am and then I am up for awhile before falling back asleep...last night I was up from 3am-5am.
What I Miss: Feeling normal. Daily I go from feeling great, to not so great, to nauseous, back to great, to tired etc etc.
Cravings: Nothing too unusual, I am still good with sweets, I have been a bit more thirsty lately. But nothing out of the ordinary.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not sure what it is but at least once a day I feel faint and nauseous. Maybe its just the end of pregnancy woes not sure just hope it stays to a couple of times a day and not all day.
Symptoms: Bloody Noses, Fatigued pretty easily, feeling lightheaded, blood tests revealed I was a little anemic so I am starting to take extra iron supplements, hopefully that will relieve the dizzy/faint feelings I feel sometimes.
Best moment: Buying things for Baby Girl's room, bedding and decorations, planning our big move that will happen NEXT WEEK, and then maybe focusing on baby girl's arrival. So spending some quality time with Ben over the next couple of weeks is a must. Oh ya, college football started :)
Song of the Week: 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)- Matt Redman