Things I Want to Remember From This Month:
- Normally you will say whatever food you want with gusto or at least with an excited "Ess, Ess" (Yes) but in the morning when you can either smell the waffles in the toaster or I ask if you would like waffles. You whisper "waffles" over and over, I'm not sure how it got started you whispering it, but its just something funny first thing in the morning.
- Now that we are wearing more shorts or dresses you cannot keep yourself from busting up and scraping your knees. Poor Baby. It doesn't seem to bother you too much but you are not a fan of bandaids.
- I wouldn't say you are scared of the the vacuum but if you are around when I am using it you insist that I hold you. I don't know if you just like being off the ground and away from it or if you think you are helping me somehow.
- When you are "All Done" eating, you try to hand me back the food on your tray because you know you are not supposed to drop it on the floor. But if I am not standing close enough to grab it from you or I am not quick enough you will drop it on the floor anyway.
- Some words/phrases you are saying: All Done, Please, More, Thank you, Help (this is a new one that has been really helpful), you will also try and repeat anything we ask you to say (some of which is pretty close and others just sound like the correct number of syllables)
- You are still opening every cabinet and drawer any chance you get so we spend a lot of our free time upstairs in the game room/playroom so you can't get into too much trouble.
- Your favorite books lately have been "I Love You Through and Through" and "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" and "The Pout Pout Fish".
- Your new favorite phrase is "Oh No"
- You are still obsessed with babies and looking in baby strollers when you see one, you just can't get enough.
- Lately when we go to Target, as soon as we walk in the door, you start getting really excited saying "DOG DOG" at the white dog advertisement in the Dollar Spot.
- Recently we have discovered the free cookies at HEB and when we got you out of your car seat the other day and you saw where we were you started saying "Cookie" over and over to Daddy.
- I love that you randomly will climb up on the fireplace hearth and start saying "CHEESE" I guess we have taken a few pictures there.
- You know you need to sit down when you are eating a snack or meal at the park and so now when I hand you a snack at home and you aren't already in your high chair you will immediately sit down to eat it, no matter where you are.
- You love to put on your shoes, or an accessory (necklace, hat, anything dress up)