- You were starting to climb out of your crib so we took the metal mattress support out of you bed so now your mattress is on the floor with your crib surrounding it. It seems to be working so far and we hope it will for a few more months...or maybe years ;-). You are taking a long nap in the afternoon now so I don't want to mess your schedule up just yet, trying to move you into a toddler bed like you sister did at this age. It was an easy transition with her but now that we are in a two story I am not ready for you to wander the house and try and navigate the stairs in the middle of the night yet.
- This last month was a lot of end of the school year things for your sister. You now have playmate for the whole day every day ha, we will see which one of you calls Mercy first.
- We took your second trip to the Frio River this month and a good time was had by all. You especially enjoyed this year's trip and I cannot wait to take you back next year! We figured we would be chasing you all up and down and around the place and made sure you had a life jacket on because we figured you would just take off. But Concan worked it's magic on you and you were so happy, content and relaxed. You loved to just hang out on the shore and watch everyone do there thing. You liked taking little float runs with Mommy and even just hang out floating around in a tube where we were all sitting. Daddy would take you out into the water to float and you loved just standing facing up river feeling the current around you. River Girl after my own heart!
- You are talking and singing so much now, you will say anything we say. New words that have changed...I am now Mommy and Daddy is now Daddy (most of the time) I was really hoping the mamas and dadas would last longer. You used to call your paci a paci but now its "sassy"
You also love to sing and dance, you will follow directions like if the song says to clap or twist etc.
- You like the song Apples and Bananas right now and think its funny.
-You have started saying prayers with us and trying to make the sign of the cross. You will babble throughout our prayers like you are trying to say them to and you always end with an "Amen" and clap your hands together.
-If it's ever just me and you in the car you will have conversations with yourself that you have had with Caroline before, complete with giggling in the right spots. You are really noticing when she is not around now, and you ask about her.