Life with you has been SILLY lately. We had a pretty eventful month and you have just sort of rolled with whatever we were doing.
- You still love your "sassies" (paci)
- We switched your crib to a toddler bed this week. Not sure if we are crazy or if this will help us with traveling. Hoping the latter. So far you have done pretty well with it. We tried giving you a pillow but you weren't sleeping well with it so I took it out of your bed and you have been sleeping great, like before the transition. we will see.

- Your sister had a week of camp this month and you definitely noticed she was gone, and asked for her when you would wake up from your naps. I wonder how you will do when she is gone for a whole week next week.
- You copy EVERYTHING Caroline does. I was laughing just watching you follow all the things she was doing at the Splashpad. Now, if she gives us a kiss, you give us a kiss, if she throws something, so will you, if she has a toy you want it (not in a selfish way just in a want to play way) etc.
-You discovered the big kid swings at cousin camp. You just wanted to sit and swing all of the time. You are growing up way too fast.

- "Camp" was fun for you, you really liked going to see and feed the chickens, you even got to pet one. I think you will be pretty disappointed next time we go to Grandmas and her chickens won't stop long enough for you to get close. You were also the smart one of the group. You went and gathered all of your new favorite toys and just found a quiet spot to sit and play and be away from the rest of the crazies. I think you could have stayed there several more days and been perfectly content to just sit and watch everyone.

- You will say "Lexa" (alexa) when you want to hear music and when we ask you what song you will say "bus" (wheels on the bus) or "Me" (me by taylor swift) or "hop" (rockin' robin) or "La La Lu" for your lullaby.
- You are starting to really like dress up which is fun, and you tend to gravitate toward the Minnie Mouse costume or this rainbow tutu that is part of a Princess Poppy costume. It's fun to watch you really try and decide what to wear. You also prefer the blue Cinderella dress up shoes to any of the other pairs.

-We took you to your first Astros game this month. I was skeptical as to how you would do but you were great! You loved to clap and cheer for the home runs and you liked walking around the concourse. You were a trooper after too while we waited for Caroline to run the bases.

- You ask for us to put your hair in pigtails now, it is definitely your signature style.