We started our search with two apartments which we had researched and made appointments with the day before... I wouldn't suggest doing that to anyone because apparently the complex never got word of our arrival and were not ready to see us when we got there. However, when we randomly walked into a few places they graciously welcomed us and showed us around. It is amazing what a difference your tour guide can make in swaying a decision if you are not careful.
We were looking for short term leases in the hope that once Ben secures his job we would be able to go ahead and start looking at houses. So the place we settled on has a 5 month lease which would keep us there til around Christmastime. I have a feeling it is going to fly by.
Anyway, when we came to the place we ended up choosing we fell in love with all the modern touches the apartment had to offer, the commute would be perfect for both of us, and the location in reference to grocery stores, shopping, parks and of course our friends was ideal. We will be living on the 3rd floor (top floor) and our balcony will face the pool. It is a pretty spacious one bedroom/one bath, but it will still be a change from our current 2/2 in College Station for the same price, haha.
We move in July 23 so we have two weeks in there that we will be staying with family and friends while we go to work on the weekdays and take trips back and forth to College Station to pack up. This will actually be ideal for us seeing as our current lease in College Station does not end til the end of July so now there will not be as much of an overlap and we will not have to pay two rents at once.
We are really very excited about the move and is only now really starting to sink in that we are finished with school and will be somewhere else come football season. Do not get me wrong we both love College Station and I am sure we will be making trips back for a few game weekends, but I finally feel like we are closing the "college" chapter of our lives. I cannot believe how fast we became "Big Kids".

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