Let me just say...this is no ordinary hat or cake. Ben had been talking about getting this hat for forever. He would make comments every once in awhile that we should make a trip up to College Station to get it. But he didn't want it bad enough to drive the 2.5 hr round trip to get it if he didn't have another reason to go. Well I had another reason so I got it for him. On our anniversary we did not eat the top layer of our cake that we DID keep frozen in our freezer for a year. (that counts right? it made the move with us multiple times) Anyway, since we did not eat our wedding cake on our anniversary (Jan 9th) Ben kept mentioning how much he wished he could have another piece of the cake we had at the wedding...more times then I think he realized. So I called our wedding cake lady and she said she would make us a cake in the same flavor/icing for his birthday. I usually bake him a cake myself but I thought this would be a good exception. So I took a half day from work (without Ben knowing) to drive to College Station to buy him his hat and cake. He was very surprised and happy to see this when he got home from work.
Look at his very convincing "I love my wife" expression ha.
He couldn't believe I was making him blow out candles...I thought by now he would have known me better then that :)
Before cake, we went to our new favorite restaurant Grimaldi's for Ben's Birthday Dinner. And after dinner, our good friends Haley and Zack came over to help us celebrate/eat his cake. What a great night
Kason REALLY needs a new hat!! The bill is broken and it is saturated with oil. Maybe it is time to find a reason to visit CS :)