- Katy and Patrick (now Figer) tied the knot! We had a great time celebrating with them at a ranch in Refugio, TX. It was an absolutely beautiful wedding for an absolutely beautiful bride! Don't you agree? Patrick looked pretty handsome too :) Ben and I agree that this wedding was definitely one of our favorites. Congrats guys! Can't wait to make it up to Ft. Worth for a visit!

- Allison & John (now Ellis) also tied the knot! We went to our home town of Portland, TX to celebrate with them. I was a bridesmaid for this wedding and Ben and I had a great time dancing to her live country band (hence the boots). They are both finishing up law school in San Antonio, TX.

Our first Couple's Bible Study baby was born. Welcome Felicity! She is so perfectly pretty and pink! Congrats to mommy and daddy, Taryn and Kenneth!

Our Godson, Jackson was born! He has grown so much in a month, and is so handsome! Ben and I are certainly proud and honored to be his Godparents!

Here is a more recent picture of the two of them :) They are going to be such great friends!

- I had the honor of being a Matron of honor at Ashley & Kyle (now Holland)'s wedding this past weekend in Clear Lake, TX. This picture is from their rehearsal dinner. From the moment the rehearsal started to the very last dance this was one of the sweetest most heartfelt family weddings. We can't wait for them to come back from Hawaii so we can hear all about their honeymoon!

Last weekend I had the privilege of attending a baby shower for Jessica! She is the last of the known pregnant ladies in our bible study. We had a lot of fun guessing whether she would have a Levi or a Mia Beth and when he/she might arrive. As well as writing well wishes for the baby. Can't wait to meet you in November.
I think this brings us to the present. I am sure I left something out and if I did for anyone I apologize! I will update more often on the day to day for us. Hope everyone has a great Columbus Day weekend...I had no idea that people had off for this holiday. To all of you that do...boo...just kidding have a wonderful weekend!
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