I'm not sure why but three months seems like a pretty significant milestone for some reason.
Stats: About 13.5 lbs according to our bathroom scale, you go in next month for your next official well check.
Clothes: You are wearing 6 month clothing, though some of the pants are too tight. I can't believe I pulled out the 12 month clothes to look through this weekend. You sister jumped straight from 6 to 12 months but we might need to get a few 9 month things for you to fill in some gaps.
Diapers: You are still in size 2 diapers.
Bottles: You are drinking 4-5, 5 oz bottles a day.
Sleep: You have been doing pretty well sleep wise, we have even had a few nights this week where you went 12 hours (all night) with no bottle. However, the last two hours you start to fuss a little more and want your paci if you don't get a bottle. You usually drink your last bottle for the night between 6:30-7:00 and then you want to go to bed around 7:30pm. You will sleep til about 4:30am without any fussing and then need your paci replaced til about 7-7:30am when you get up for the day.
Likes: You love your sit me up chair and your piano kick gym. You have started reaching out to grab the toys on both of them and have started putting toys in your mouth to chew on. You like bath time, laying on your tummy to sleep, your swing if you just can't get settled, and in the last few days you seem to enjoy doing a little rocking with me in the rocking chair. You also like to talk to us after bottles and when you first wake up in the morning. When you talk you seem to have a lot to say.
Dislikes: Getting out of the tub, not getting a bottle when you think you should have one, going to bed a few minutes too early. You are a very easy going baby but lately you have let us know you like to do things on your terms. We will see if this personality trait sticks around.
Highlights: This month we celebrated Christmas with Mommy's side of the family. You were baptized and you saw your second snow/ice day in Houston (crazy)
Some Favorite Pics from this Month:
New Year's Eve |
Christmas Morning |
Big Sis, Lil Sis |
After Christmas Mass |
Snuggling with her Lovie |
Starting to play with toys |
Signature Tongue Smile |
Ice Day #2 |
Sweet Smiles |
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