Diapers: You are wearing Luvs Size 5 diapers (which I think run a little bigger than other brands) and size 5 Huggies Overnights
Food: Your favorites are broccoli, cheese, belvita granola bars, bread (Hawaiian rolls), you recently learned how to drink fruit pouches so you have started to like having one every now and then, chicken nuggets, you like blueberries and strawberries, peanut butter toast, raviolis or other pasta or anything else anyone is eating. You really are not too picky which is nice. You drink milk in the morning with breakfast and then don't care for it the rest of the day until after dinner/before bed. You like to drink water the rest of the day out of your 360 cup.
Sleep: You sleep from about 7:00pm til 6:30/7am and then you take anywhere between a 2 and 3.5 hour nap starting around 10:30am.
Likes: You love to play peek a boo. We say "Where's Rory" and you will put your head down or cover your eyes with your hands and then you will look up or put your hands down and we will say "there she is" and you love to do it over and over. You also like to get in trouble. You are into EVERYTHING you are not supposed to but your favorite things right now are the fireplace, the hallway closet (with the Christmas gifts and wrapping paper) and one kitchen drawer that has the spatulas in it. You are really starting to dance which is kind of fun to watch. You tend to more do more head bobbing and bouncing than real dancing but its cute that you have your own style.
Dislikes: Being held down, not getting your way, too much love from Caroline, not being home during naptime (you love your bed and your routine)
Highlights: You have 8 teeth and are working on 2 more molars on the top. You have been a snotty and drooling MESS! You can drink out of a 360 cup and don't fight us on a normal sippy cup either so much, you still want your bottle before bed but I am hoping to break you of that this month. You scared me this month when you walked up to me holding a thumbtack. I immediately panicked thinking you could have found another one and put it in your mouth and swallowed it. You put EVERYTHING in your mouth. So we made our first trip as parents to Urgent Care for an X Ray. Thankfully you hadn't swallowed anything but you sure made Mommy feel like a terrible, terrible mom. You also got to participate in your first Halloween! Mommy reserves the right to what you wear for your first trick-or-treating experience and I feel like all babies should be pumpkins their first go around. Nothing beats a baby in a pumpkin costume. It was raining but we went out for a little bit anyway and you would walk right up to the front doors but then just stare at our neighbors when they would hold the candy bowl out to you. Ha!
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