Rory has taken over this monthly recap blog but it's Caroline's time to get a little attention. Every six months I try and remember to interview her just so I can remember how much changes from year to year. Some of the things she said surprised me, so I might have some notes so I can remember the actual true answers haha.
What is your name: Caroline
How old are you: five and a half
Favorite Color: Pink and Purple
Favorite Animal: Horses
follow up question, not unicorns?: no mommy, unicorns aren't real
Best Friend: Elisa (she has also been loving Madeline, Ava, Jack and Mikey from her class, we have been getting together every Wednesday after school for a park playdate.)
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Drink: Chocolate Milk
Favorite thing to do Outside: go swimming and um kicking my ball. (I am surprised she didn't say tball or the splashpad. She hasn't been swimming very often and not since last summer)
Favorite Toy: My Super Girl Doll
Favorite Move: Trolls
Favorite TV Show: Vamperina (she hasn't watched this in months she usually asks to watch Pinkalicious)
Favorite Song: Pocahontas Songs (she usually asks for Alexa to play her Disney Music or Whatever it takes by Imagine Dragons haha)
Favorite Book: Charlotte's Web (she likes the movie, but we haven't finished reading the book. She has been asking me to read Ada Twist Scientist, Rosie Revere Engineer and Iggy Peck Architect more often.)
What are you scared of: Thunder (she should have said getting her teeth pulled, there was some major drama there)
Where is your favorite place to go: The Cheesecake Factory (can't say I blame her but she loves to go to Target haha)
What do you want to be when you grow up: Saint Elizabeth (cue the proud tears)
What do you like to do with Daddy: Play Zingo and go with him to get breakfast
What do you like to do with Mommy: Go to Target
What do you like to do with Rory: Play
What are you looking forward to most about Summer: Sea Camp
What is your favorite thing to do at school: Centers
What are you looking forward to most about Kindergarten: Meeting my new friends
Is there anything else you would like to say? No (ha)
Quick Update:
Caroline is finishing up preschool and could not be more excited about starting Kindergarten. I can't believe this is our last summer to really live it up before the educational system takes her every day. Sigh. She was a little nervous when we went up to her elementary school to register her, but I think she is going to have a great time.

She is really enjoying T-Ball this spring, Mikey and Ava from her preschool class are on the team and Ben is assistant coaching. She really enjoys having people she knows participating with her. She throws really well and would make a good first baseman in my opinion.

She is also still involved in gymnastics. We switched gyms last fall to one that is closer to our new house and she has loved her Coach, Sarah. She just moved up this week to the kindergarten group instead of preschool and I think she feels like such a grown up kid being in a different part of the gym with a new coach. They had a showcase this spring where she got to show off her skills. Parents were allowed on the floor to take pictures and she was really excited about Ben being able to be there to watch her.

Caroline has now lost a total of four teeth, and these last two were more dramatic than the first. She did NOT want us to pull them but they were just so ready to come out we did. We had to go get an ice cream treat after that last one, but now that they are gone and not bothering her anymore she is so proud of being toothless.
This summer we are looking forward to a lot of fun things. Our first big trip will be to the river where I know she will have the best time with her cousins that we don't get to see as much anymore. Followed by Vacation Bible School, Gymnastics Camp, Cousin Camp (which will hopefully become a fun new tradition) and Nan Camp (which is a week by herself with my parents, which she has been talking about doing again since last summer. The days in between I forsee being spend at various parks around the neighborhood and of course at the splashpad and pool. It should be a great summer.