- One of my favorite things you do right now is say "Umm" When we ask you to decide between two things or to pick something out (toys/food/clothes) you always say "Ummmmmm" like you are really thinking through your choice. It's the cutest thing.
-You have discovered chalk and like to draw with Sissy and sit on your creations.
-You love to take baths. You will say buh buh bubbles when you want a bath. You also like to roll around in the tub and float on your back. You look like an alligator in a death roll spin sometimes.
- You have been super cuddly lately. And have been taking turns sharing your cuddles with everyone.
- When I tell you we need to change your diaper you will go ahead lay down for me, and you will say "stinky- stinky"
-One of your favorite books is The Pout Pout Fish and when we get to the part where he realizes he is a Kiss Kiss Fish you turn around and give me a kiss, every time. I love it.
-You are starting to sing a few songs from the radio like Thy Will Be Done "be done" but also like Old MacDonald and Wheels on the Bus "All Through the Town"
-You are definitely just along for the ride these days taking Caroline to all of her activities. You take it in stride for the most part but sometimes you are ready to be out of the car, and I don't blame you one bit!
- You went flower picking for part of my Mother's Day present. It was so sweet of you and Caroline to hand pick some flowers for my bouquet. I think we will have to make this an annual tradition but I might have to join yall next year!
- We took you to your first Aggie Baseball Game this month. You enjoyed the popcorn but that's about it haha. We were in the general admission lawn section and you cannot be contained. It was also hot so we spent the three innings we stayed there walking all over the shaded part of the stadium. You learned to say Aggies, Gig'em and Howdy so all in all a successful trip. While we were there we drove out to George Bush Library to show you and Caroline where Daddy and Mommy got enjoyed. You liked seeing all of the pretty flowers.
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