Oh Rory Jane. Here we go again
- Your newest cute phrase is "Thank you much", its pretty much the most adorable thing.
- You have a growing love for kitties, you point them out everywhere and will "meow" for forever after you see one.
- You are very independent and you love to play by yourself and read by yourself. You are very direct and will tell someone no or mine or to move if they are too close to you or want to play with what you are playing with. You will also read out-loud to yourself like you know just how the story goes and what every word is, you even use the same inflections at times.
- You are a screamer that we are trying to tame, wooooo it's loud at times
- You are starting to speak in full sentences and have full thoughts and carry on conversations. We can ask you more complicated questions and you answer with more than yes and no.
- I love that you say "hold you" when you want me to carry you down the stairs
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