This year I was really excited to take Caroline back to the Frio. Last year she enjoyed sitting and playing with rocks, and although she liked that this year too, she liked sitting in the tubes (with bottoms) and floating between Ben and me. She also loved wading to us in the water, eating lots of snacks, playing with her cousins, and walking back and forth between cabins to see Nan and Papaw. We had a great time. Ben and I even got to sneak away to the "big city" of Uvalde to make a Walmart run for forgotten items and a quick stop to a local coffee shop for a treat. It's the little things. :)
Swimsuit or fully clothed she loved playing in the tubes |
It was quite an ordeal to get her to wear her swimsuit and river shoes, but once she made the connection that putting on the right gear meant going down to the water she decided they weren't so bad. Cheesin' with her snack. |
My loves |
Sweet kisses from my big girl |
Speaking of big girls, I couldn't resist those little crossed feet while she ate lunch one day |
Her great Uncle Mike gave her a chicken puppet, she was in LOVE |
Playing by the cabin |
Girl Talk with Edith (2nd cousins) |
2014 (7 months) |
2015 (19 months) |
Grandkids with the Grandparents |