
17 Weeks

Baby & Mommy @ 17 weeks

Size of Baby: Grapefruit (6 in)

Total Weight Gain: Nothing really...still maybe 2lbs?

Maternity Clothes? I am in search of a new pair of shorts. I tried some on at Old Navy today and they were UGLY but SO COMFORTABLE haha. So I guess I will need to keep looking. I am going to try shopping at Motherhood this week. I will need something before our family reunion next weekend.

Gender: A little girl :)

Movement: The only time I even remotely feel a flutter is when I tuck my knees to my chest like in a chair or on the coffee table etc. So still no significant movement

Sleep: I have been sleeping well but waking up completely stiff. I think I will need to either get a body pillow, new mattress-topper, both or start doing some yoga in the morning to loosen up and stretch out

What I Miss: Not knowing what I want to eat...I really resent that we need to eat at least three meals a day...haha

Cravings: Nothing really this week

Anything making you queasy or sick: I have been feeling pretty good, I can definitely tell when I need to drink more water but other then that pretty good :)

Symptoms: Stiff Joints/Muscles, Pregnancy Brain, Nightmares, Headaches, Nose bleeds, a bit of acne (same old same)

Belly Button in or out?  It's pretty much out at this point I think, or just there.

Best moment:  Picking Baby Girl's Name and starting to plan baby furniture. It has been so much fun seeing Ben get excited about his girl :)

Song of the Week:  "I Get to Be the One"- JJ Heller


16 Weeks

Baby & Mommy @ 16 weeks

Size of Baby: Large Orange (5in)

Total Weight Gain: I keep saying 2lbs but it really hasn't changed at all. I guess the "2 lbs" could be in your normal weight fluctuation. I was getting a bit concerned about this but at my doctors appt this week they said I am right on track so, I guess its ok. :)

Maternity Clothes? I haven't worn dress pants in a few weeks, with summer weather quickly approaching I need to invest in a few more skirts I can wear to work. I haven't purchased any "maternity" clothes yet, hopefully I can get away with "larger" sizes for awhile because maternity = more expensive it seems like. But once I get big enough Old Navy and Target will be my go-to stores.

Gender: It's a... GIRL!!!

Movement: Baby Girl was moving quite a bit at our sonogram appt this week but I still haven't felt any kicks or anything. I'm excited to be able to feel her.

Sleep: I have been sleeping pretty solidly lately, but i am still having nightmares or stressful dreams

What I Miss: Not wanting what I used to eat. I miss my pasta/garlic/general love of food.

Cravings: Burgers, Hot Dogs, and things that are cold (ice cream, fro-yo, ice water, sno-cones)

Anything making you quesy or sick: . I have been getting more headaches lately that can make me feel pretty blah, but that has really only been for the last week or so

Symptoms: Pregnancy Brain, Nightmares, Headaches, Nose bleeds, a bit of acne

Belly Button in or out?  Sometimes I catch it out, but still in most of the time

Best moment:  Finding out our baby was a Girl, getting to share that special moment with my husband who will be the best Dad to that little girl, and getting about 15 new pictures of her. What an awesome day!

Song of the Week:  All These Things- Stephen Speaks


15 Weeks

Baby & Mommy @ 15 weeks
Size of Baby: Large Apple (4 in)

Total Weight Gain: Hovering around 2lbs

Maternity Clothes? My mom and I found a REALLY good Gap sale a few weekends ago and I had intended to wear the dresses I bought after the baby came but its been pretty chilly in the mornings so I have been able to wear them now. They look pretty cute with my little bump, if I don't say so myself ;-)

Gender: Counting down the days til Thursday the 16th of May!!!

Movement: Nothing

Sleep: Bring it on, I am loving being able to take two hour naps on the weekends and still go to bed at my normal time and sleep all night long, I love my sleep :) Still having pesky nightmares though.

What I Miss: Being satisfied with food, or wanting varieties of food. Meal Planning is pretty difficult still.

Cravings: Burgers, primarily because I want the mustard/pickle combo :)

Anything making you quesy or sick: Sometimes being in the car bothers me if its stop and go traffic, but other then that.

Symptoms: Pregnancy Brain, Nightmares, acne, Cravings/nothing sounding good.
Belly Button in or out? Just there? It's weird not an in or out.

Best moment: First Mother's Day :) Beautiful Blessing at Mass, and Smalls, Rollie and Ben got me a really sweet card, lunch at 5 Guys (did I mention I want burgers?), 2 hour nap watching golf, perfect Sunday!

Song of the Week: Copperline by James Taylor, I heard it at HEB and then I had to go listen to more, I kind of forget how much I love his music James Taylor Pandora.... yes please :)

 Not the best pic of the bump, I should have turned a bit more, but it's there :)


O God You Search Me and You Know Me

I'm finding peace in Psalm 139 today, David must have known my heart when he wrote this one. Here is one of my favorite church hymns based on that psalm. I was going to highlight the portions that meant the most to me, but I found each word would have been bolded. I hope it brings you peace as well.

O God, you search me and you know me.
All my thoughts lie open to your gaze.
When I walk or lie down you are before me:
Ever the maker and keeper of my days.

You know my resting and my rising.
You discern my purpose from afar,
And with love everlasting you besiege me:
In ev’ry moment of life or death, you are.

Before a word is on my tongue, Lord,
You have known its meaning through and through.
You are with me beyond my understanding:
God of my present, my past and future, too.

Although your Spirit is upon me,
Still I search for shelter from your light.
There is nowhere on earth I can escape you:
Even the darkness is radiant in your sight.

For you created me and shaped me,
Gave me life within my mother’s womb.
For the wonder of who I am, I praise you:
Safe in your hands, all creation is made new.

14 Weeks

Baby & Mommy @ 14 weeks

Size of Baby: Large Lemon (3.5 in)

Total Weight Gain: Still just 2 lbs

Maternity Clothes? Nothing new this week but some co-workers told me to look into some maxi-dresses for summer. I have never worn one...so maybe I will have to check them out.

Gender: Hurry up May 16th!

Movement: Nothing this week.

Sleep: All I know is that I need it...lots of it. I find myself needing to rest at the end of every day. Just laying down for 20 minutes  after work (even if I don't sleep) really helps me re-energize in the evening.

What I Miss: Wanting food. I have to really rack my brain about what I want to snack on or eat for dinner.

Cravings: I still want things that have flavor...pickles, mustard, banana peppers, ranch. It doesn't really matter what I eat with them with, I just want that pop of flavor in my food. I'm not mixing any weird combinations or anything just want normal food but food that has certain condiments on it.

Anything making you quesy or sick: When I don't get enough sleep I feel pretty blah and it can make me nauseous but overall feeling pretty good in that department.

Symptoms: Pregnancy Brain!!! It has gotten pretty bad, my goal is to go one day without forgetting something...it hasn't happened yet unfortunately. Bad Dreams, goodness I have been having a lot of nightmares lately! And still a bit of acne.
Belly Button in or out? Neither In or Out, it looks really weird haha

Best moment: Haley got me a maternity shirt that says "future fightin' texas aggie class of 2036" with an arrow pointing down toward my bump. I am excited to try it on and wear it around.

Song of the Week: I don't really have one that I was addicted to this week. I listened to more sports radio, but I had my Pandora set to "JJ Heller" Radio and the song "If You Want Me To" by Ginny Owens came on pretty frequently. Took me back to high school a bit since that is when I first heard the song. It's always spot on for something going on in my life so I think I will go with that song as my song of the week :)