
Chatting with Caroline

I like this age, if for nothing else then it makes for funny conversations. I was asking Ben the other night if he remembers Caroline before she started talking, and we both have a hard time remembering those days.

When she hears a song on the radio she likes and wants us to turn up the volume:
I need loud, Daddy!

When her hair got a little wet while playing with her water table outside.
My hair is ruined!

Conversation with C on my birthday:
C: Happy Birthday Mommy
Me: Thanks Baby
C: Where's your birthday hat?

C does not attend daycare/school but frequently comes in the room with a backpack in the morning and says:
Wake up Mommy, it's time for school!

Getting ready for the Easter Holiday, C kept referring to everything (eggs, baskets etc) as things for the
Rooster Party.

We took our first trip to the zoo and we saw all the typical animals, elephants,lions, tigers, giraffes, gorillas, flamingos, etc and when we got home we asked Caroline what her favorite animal at the zoo was she said
The Dirty Elephants (they had been throwing dirt on their backs)

This isn't a new one but a while back C would tell me that she was shy to avoid situations, whether it was talking to new people or doing new things so I taught her a little mantra, and now she uses it all the time. It is so cute to hear her say this now instead
I'm not shy, I'm brave.

When you drop something, forget something, or mess something up  your new phrase is
Oh Bumpers! (from Chuggington)

A basket of clean clothes was in the living room and C noticed one of her dresses not yet folded in the mix.
That's messed up!

When singing Old McDonald
Old McFarmer had a cow...

She picked up a phrase from Ben when watching sports on TV and will yell this when she is frustrated with something:
Awe, Come On!

When we ask her what her name is
Caroline Elizabeth Rush, That's your whole name