
Chatting with Caroline

Me: We need to work on cleaning Daddy's office today.
C: Is it messy? (runs to look)
Me: yeah

C: Mommy, where does the water from the sink come from?
Me: Take it away Daddy
Ben: Well when it rains the water goes into lakes and rivers...
C: (interrupting him) No Daddy, it comes from the pipes!

C: Mommy, your tummy is big
Me: Yep, your sister is growing
C: will your tummy be small again?
Me: Hopefully.
C: But how?!?
Me: ... well the baby won't stay in there forever and it'll go back
C: I don't think so.

So we went to Starbucks and I got Caroline a hot chocolate, like usual, but it was too hot initially so she asked for a sip of my drink (a frappacino). She took a sip and said "Oooo it tastes like coffee, next time I want an 'appacino'"

Guess we know where her loyalties are...
C: Mommy, the boys are moving to California . Is that really far away?
Me: Yeah baby, that's pretty far
C: They are going to have so much fun, I am going to miss them
Me: Me too babe
C: Where are we going to move?
Me: Nowhere right now.
C: Will we move to California someday?
Me:... no babe we will probably stay in Texas.
C: That's okay, Nan and Papaw live in Texas.

C: What is the neighbor doing?
Me: Mowing
C: Giving the grass a haircut?

C: Can we go camping sometime?
Me: Maybe sometime
C: We could bring tents to sleep in the forest but there would be nothing scary there because God would keep us safe. He always keeps us safe.

Caroline was asking where Ben was so I pulled up the "Find my iPhone" app to show her and she sighed and said "still making money"

C: Do I look pretty with my necklace?
Me: Yes, you look very pretty
C: But I would look fantastic-er with all of them on.

Caroline almost crying about her songs not being on the radio...
Me: Did we keep you out too late?
C: Yes... what does that mean?
Me: Is it passed your bedtime?
C: I skipped it.

C: Where are we going next?
Me: The bank.
C: Where after that?
Me: Target...well maybe Walmart...I haven't decided.
C: Let's go to Target, I'll decide for you.


Insomnia Ramblings- 30 weeks

As I am in bed last night enjoying pregnancy insomnia, at 1:30 am, my thoughts can't help but drift to why I am awake. We are only a few short months, weeks really, from welcoming our second baby girl.

That leads me to thoughts of Caroline, and just how old she has seemed lately and is really. She will be four soon. Four. She is a person with big feelings, opinions, funny things to say and dreams. It makes me wonder if I have done enough up to this point. Have I loved my first enough, have I told her how much she means to me, have a cultivated a giving and kind spirit inside of her, have I encouraged her, pushed her, and cuddled with her enough?

Our morning routine lately consists of Ben giving me a kiss goodbye on his way out the door to work as I try to catch a few more minutes of sleep. Caroline comes into my room and asks for breakfast and then lets me know that I can go back to sleep after I turn on a show for her if I want. This is so sweet and sad at the same time. She has been a provider lately, the one who understands, forgives, encourages and loves with her whole being, isn't that supposed to be my job?

This morning, Caroline came into my room and wanted snuggles. She climbed up in bed with me and we traded I love you's, said we loved each other to the moon and back and we just had a sweet moment her me and a kicking baby sister. She is so excited for what is to come in the next few months and I can't help but be excited for her, she will love being and having a sister.

Ben and I were just chuckling the other night about how Caroline isn't anything we expected her to be. We couldn't pin point what it was that we were expecting but she is not it, in the best way possible. Caroline is crazier, sillier, funnier, and more giving of her heart than I could have imagined. So with this pregnancy I haven't really sat and daydreamed about who our new little one will be because, Lord only knows. And that is for the best. Caroline is everything we needed in a first child and I know that our second will be everything we need too and will be the perfect fit, the missing piece. We cannot wait to meet her!

Good Morning my Big Girl!
Snuggling up with Baby Sister