
16 Weeks

Baby & Mommy @ 16 weeks

Size of Baby: Large Orange (5in)

Total Weight Gain: I keep saying 2lbs but it really hasn't changed at all. I guess the "2 lbs" could be in your normal weight fluctuation. I was getting a bit concerned about this but at my doctors appt this week they said I am right on track so, I guess its ok. :)

Maternity Clothes? I haven't worn dress pants in a few weeks, with summer weather quickly approaching I need to invest in a few more skirts I can wear to work. I haven't purchased any "maternity" clothes yet, hopefully I can get away with "larger" sizes for awhile because maternity = more expensive it seems like. But once I get big enough Old Navy and Target will be my go-to stores.

Gender: It's a... GIRL!!!

Movement: Baby Girl was moving quite a bit at our sonogram appt this week but I still haven't felt any kicks or anything. I'm excited to be able to feel her.

Sleep: I have been sleeping pretty solidly lately, but i am still having nightmares or stressful dreams

What I Miss: Not wanting what I used to eat. I miss my pasta/garlic/general love of food.

Cravings: Burgers, Hot Dogs, and things that are cold (ice cream, fro-yo, ice water, sno-cones)

Anything making you quesy or sick: . I have been getting more headaches lately that can make me feel pretty blah, but that has really only been for the last week or so

Symptoms: Pregnancy Brain, Nightmares, Headaches, Nose bleeds, a bit of acne

Belly Button in or out?  Sometimes I catch it out, but still in most of the time

Best moment:  Finding out our baby was a Girl, getting to share that special moment with my husband who will be the best Dad to that little girl, and getting about 15 new pictures of her. What an awesome day!

Song of the Week:  All These Things- Stephen Speaks

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