
21 Months

You love to pray before bed. This month we started asking you who you want to pray for after we get done with our Daddy, Mommy, Caroline, Rollie list and sometimes you will give Daddy and I extra blessings but sometimes its for other people or Mickey characters...regardless it is really sweet to see who you add every night.

You are starting to yell out the names of the Mickey characters during the intro to the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show as well as "Oh Toodles" and "Miska Mooska Mouska Tools"

You also follow all the directions for "If you're happy and you know it" ie. clap your hands, stomp your feet (your favorite) and shout hurray. With hurray you usually pump your fist in the air too.

You have been associating the books we read with your stuffed animals now. If we read about a polar bear you go get your stuffed polar bear to read with us, or your bunny or cow or whichever other animal we happen to have.

You have been bringing me my purse and shoes to tell me you want to go somewhere.

You can recognize Home Depot even when we are in a new city. When we pass the sign you always get really excited and want to "drive, drive, drive". They have the carts with the kids steering wheels and you love them.

You also shout out "Target" when we pass by one. Guess we go there a little too often. One time a few months ago I let you get a snack while we were there and you still ask for one as soon as we walk in the doors. AND do not get me started on HEB, you are absolutely obsessed with the HEB Buddy Game! You were even an Instant Winner this month. Free Sunglasses... whoo hoo!

This month you got to take a trip to Wichita Falls to see your cousin, Jay, be baptized.

We also had to replace our air conditioning unit and you got to sleep with Mommy for a week while we were waiting on our install appointment. As much fun as it was to have our own portable ac unit keeping us cool at night, we are both glad to be back in our separate beds.We spent a lot of our time in bed and coloring in the living room directly in front of the temporary ac units.

You got to visit with another couple of babies this month including Edith and Jay! You loved trying to give them their pacis and giving them toys to play with. You are such a good little mommy :)

This July we have made several trips to the park, spent several hours on the back porch, baked cookies (you really like to mix the ingredients and "tap tap tap" them on the side of bowl to get them out of the measuring cups) We have also played with your water table using bubbles and taken midday cool baths to beat the heat.

And I just couldn't help it, I had to add a picture of these two:


20 Months

God hand picked you for us. You are the baby (now toddler) we needed. You are so silly, and so funny, but incredibly sweet at the same time. I love being able to watch your personality develop everyday.

Some things about you this month:

You are starting to become interested in the potty. You have been successful on the potty once, but you ask to go quite often. Seeing as I wasn't planning on working on this for SEVERAL more months I will call this a win. I will not, however, be starting any boot camp potty training with you. You get to take the lead on this one my friend

You have started to really babble. You will talk to your animals and baby dolls and carry on "conversations" with them. It is so cute to hear.

  You have also started to sing songs, usually its holding out notes at the end of words or picking out the words you do know in songs. I love when you do this at church, it melts my heart. Even a joyful noise is music to His ears.  


We moved you to your big girl bed this month. You have loved it. It's fun to see who you bring to bed with you. Sometimes its just your two blankies and other times you have several animals and baby dolls to keep you company.

Did I mention you found the kid friendly shopping carts at Home Depot? You love to "drive". I will avoid them as long as possible at the grocery store though... those things are way too big for everyday shopping. Luckily, so far, you have only discovered them at Home Depot. 

We took a trip up to Stephenville this month so Daddy could take a class to get his CHL. You got to hang out with Mommy, Miss April and Travis. You loved him! You kept trying to forcefeed him puffs and give him his paci and bottle. It was really sweet to see how much you loved "Baby Ta-vis"