
Start to Spring Break

Well our Spring Break did not get off to the best start.

I had to work yesterday from 9-6 and during the first hour that the store was open, my phone was stolen...that's right...stolen. I was folding some clothes in one of our front rooms and I had my phone with me on the table in between two stacks of clothes (where I thought it was hidden rather well). When I went to talk to one of the other employees, mind you the store was completely empty at this point (or so I thought), someone swiped it. I was gone for no more then 30 seconds and as soon as I returned to the table I knew what had happened. Still I searched the whole store up and down and had one of the girls I was working with call my phone and it went straight to voice mail. It was at that point that I knew it was truly gone because I never turn my phone off and my ringer is always on.

The dread sank in as I knew I had to call Ben to cancel the service. He met me with short brief answers to my desperate pleas "What?" "Why?" "Ok" "I'll see what I can do" (he was mad...I can't really blame him though). The service was canceled and I thought I was destined for a "cheap" phone since we had just gotten Ben a phone a few weeks earlier.

However, not more then an hour and a half later my wonderful husband came into the store and handed me a brand new iPhone with a pink cover (I always wanted a pink cover). Apparently I was eligible for an upgrade so it brought the phone down to the prices of the "cheap" phones! Needless to say my morning went from yuck to yay in 1.5 hrs, thank you Benjamin. (Now I just have to ignore the teasing I will get for awhile about losing things...even though this is the first thing I have really permanently lost) Happy Early Birthday to me!

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