
Weeks 26 & 27

Baby & Mommy @ 26/27 weeks

Size of Baby: 14.5 inches, 2 lbs, roughly the size of a head of cauliflower

Total Weight Gain: +11 lbs (I'm in the double digits!)

Maternity Clothes? Yes, I am at the point now where I am replacing the first set of maternity clothes that I bought that were just regular clothes in a size up. I now need the shirts with the gathered sides, and my one pair of maternity shorts isn't going to cut it much longer. I need to go shopping...

Gender: Girl

Movement: Yes, a bunch of movement! I notice her most when I am hungry, when I lay down, and when I am riding in the car. Instead of it being little bumps and kicks its more rolls like she is flipping over. When I and laying down my belly becomes very lopsided/lumpy like you are able to see her head and bottom instead of just a perfectly round belly. I also noticed that she has been responding to louder noises like praise and worship music at church, when the drums start or the whole congregation is singing. God is good :)

Sleep: Sleep is good, I have been staying up a lot later lately, 11 or 11:30, which is pretty late for me and waking up at the same time so I guess my body is getting me ready for less sleep. I can tell though that even though I am sleeping less it is more solid. I am not waking up at night like I was before, so I guess its a trade off.

What I Miss: I used to feel cold all the time, and now I cannot seem to stay cooled off. I really start to feel faint when I don't feel air on me or if a room is too warm etc. I didn't think that was something I would miss but I can't wait to have my body temp return to normal so I can ward off the overheated feeling.

Cravings: I am pretty much always up for something sweet, chocolate covered pretzels especially :) but nothing else really. Things have been pretty crazy around here lately so I am craving some food made at home...fast food is getting old fast.

Anything making you queasy or sick: just the heat, if I don't stay cool or if I over-do it sometimes physically I get lightheaded and faint feeling. I try and carry snacks with me because my blood sugar crashes very quickly these days.

Symptoms: Bloody Noses, Fatigued pretty easily, feeling lightheaded, blood tests revealed I was a little anemic so I am starting to take extra iron supplements, hopefully that will relieve the dizzy/faint feelings I feel sometimes.
Belly Button in or out?  out...beginning to wonder if it will ever go back in after I have the baby.

Best moment:  There have been a bunch of great moments lately. Planning baby girl's nursery finally is exciting. I don't know if it's nesting or not but I am definitely ready to get into our new house and get things set up. One more month to go!!

Song of the Week: Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies)- Chris Tomlin

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