
My Love of Fall

Oh September, how I love thee...let me count the ways.

- Lazy Saturdays watching College Football

-Catching naps during said football games during the 2nd and 3rd quarters. (the hubster and the pup are both asleep on the floor and the couch respectively, backwards...I think not hehe) no worries I caught my nap before lunch, in case you were concerned.

- Aggie Football Season Tickets! Whoop! We are so excited to be spending most of our September weekends at Kyle Field. I have to admit that SITTING down with back/arm rest instead of standing the whole game will be a nice change from our student days :)

- Have I mentioned College Football yet? It's really the one sport I don't mind watching random teams play. I just love the atmosphere and the heart! (unlike pro...they can get rid of that, blaspheme I know)

-Cooler Weather. Even if its just a slight 5 degree drop with 5% less humidity I can tell the difference. Rollie and I sure do enjoy our morning outings more when we can smell a hint of rain in that wisp of a breeze we might feel once or twice. I'll take 5 degrees cooler in Texas any day!

- Fall colors, I love the warm brown and red tones of fall, someday I will visit somewhere where the leaves change colors this time of year. I cannot wait to decorate the house now that we are officially in the Sept-Nov time frame of the year.

Side Note: Does anyone else think of the year like that? Sept-Nov (fall with the interruption of Halloween in October), Dec (Christmas), Jan (winter) Feb (Valentines), March-April (Spring/Easter), May-Aug (Summer)? Am I alone?

-Sweaters/Long Sleeves: Bring on the section of my closet that is longingly adored all year, but only enjoyed for maybe a month or two...maybe. Jewel tones...I miss you too.

-Lets be honest, as much as I would like to be active, you are just nuts in my book if you enjoy working out in the summer. There are some nights in the fall that I actually WANT to go RUN for awhile instead of my casual walk with the pup.

- Fall also means that I am ___this much closer to listening to Christmas Music. I am such a sap. I LOVE Christmas music and I do NOT get tired of it. I have to stop myself from listening to it sometimes during other points in the year.I have my favorites though, and I can be pretty picky in the versions of songs I find appropriate but oh Michael Buble, Josh Groban, Amy Grant, 33 Miles and of course all the classics Crosby, Sinatra, and Martin I cannot wait to reconnect with all of your Christmas Albums.

Ok now I am thinking about Christmas and I shouldn't get ahead of myself...fall first Christmas second.
This fossil bag is perfect for fall and would make a great Christmas gift...cough. ;-)

Do you share the love for my favorite time of the year? What do you like most about fall?


  1. We think the EXACT same. Honestly, I could have written this post. Great minds think alike! :)

  2. Yes, we are very wise ladies :)Miss you!

  3. I was thinking the same thing! You pretty much put my thoughts into words :)

  4. Thanks Carla, I think it needed to be said...who doesn't love fall :)
