
Weeks 36-40

Baby & Mommy @ 36-40

Size of Baby: At my 38 week doctors appointment the doctors best guess was that baby was measuring in the low to mid 7lb range Yay! But Now that I am at 40 weeks...I wonder how much bigger she has gotten!

Total Weight Gain: +18-20 lbs depends on the day/week

Maternity Clothes? Yes and they are all getting a little too snug...my pants I leave unbuttoned most of the time and my shirts are getting a little short since I am carrying straight out in the front of the most part. 

Gender: GIRL!!

Movement: Even though the movements have slowed down quite a bit when she is active, she is ACTIVE. She hits my sciatic nerve quite a bit and I have had a few episodes of total meltdowns because the pain is excruciating. I am not sure how people with chronic conditions of this stuff do it. Poor Ben has to just watch me writhe in pain when it happens nothing I do seems to help until she moves off of the nerve. Alternating heat/ice for the residual pain but the initial is killer

Sleep: I have been sleeping alright when I am not up with contractions. The contractions make me have to pee so I get up every two hours or so to deal with that. I am usually able to go back to bed though so it hasn't been that bad. And, I could easily take a nap everyday if I wasn't working. 

What I Miss: Being able to go out in public without people making comments about the baby not being here yet, why can't I make her come, that I look like I am about to pop etc. haha. I know people mean well but when its a stranger and not a friend I think its a little weird to be so interested in the progress I have made in regards to her coming? Sensitive...Maybe :)

Cravings: Nothing really. I really want to want eggs again. Taquitos always sound like a great idea until I get one...gross :( I do crave Sonic ice waters with extra ice. I think its the combination of the Styrofoam cup, straw, and crushed ice, mmm

Anything making you queasy or sick: eggs, too much milk products but I have learned to avoid both so not too bad.

Symptoms: Sciatic Nerve, Contractions, Pressure, Bursts of Energy, Pure Exhaustion

Belly Button in or out? actually its kind of flat most of the time now but still a lot further out then I am used to.

Best moment: Making it to 40 weeks pregnant! (I thought I would have been early) And a shower my co-workers hosted for me at work. Ben would say its his new truck :)

Song of the Week: Strong - Will Hoge

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