
10 weeks

Baby & Mommy @ 10 weeks

Size of Baby: Cashew nut (1.5 in)

Total Weight Gain: 2lbs

Maternity Clothes? I purchased my much needed belly bandit, and I can continue wearing some of my normal dress clothes for awhile. I am going to need some longer tanks and camis here pretty soon.

Gender: I don't know, for awhile I was thinking boy just because I figured that is what Ben would want but my thoughts have been drifting to girl lately. Who knows???

Movement: Not a whole lot going on

Sleep: Sleep is my best friend. I could sleep all day everyday and anyone who knows me knows that is just fine with me. Bedtime has always been my favorite time of day, so bring on the naps and early to beds because this girl is loving it!

What I Miss: Wanting food, having an idea of what I want to eat, being happy with what I purchase at the grocery store the next day.

Cravings: Sno Cones sound wonderful...hurry up summer!!!

Anything making you quesy or sick: Fish is really the only smell that grosses me out any more. 

Symptoms: So Sleepy.

Belly Button in or out? Still an inny

Best moment: Sharing Ben's First Communion/Confirmation with Family & Friends. Kinda cool thinking Smalls was able to attend too! (read more about Ben's big day here)

Song(s) of the Week: Hold Me Near- Karla Adolphe (Enter the Worship Circle)
                                    Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies)- Chris Tomlin


  1. Look at your cute tiny bump! And wow! I DEFINITELY think girl... Your symptoms are sounding exactly like mine & Gina's :)

  2. Thanks Becca, a little girl would be a first for both our families and a lot of fun!!

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