
9 Weeks

Baby & Mommy @ 9 weeks

Size of Baby: Cherry (1 in)

Total Weight Gain: 2lbs

Maternity Clothes? I need to go get a Belly Bandit or something because my dress pants won't button anymore! Can't wait for summery dress weather :)

Gender: not sure what Smalls is yet, everyone we have told so far seems to think Boy but the Chinese Gender Calendar says Girl so who know ;-)

Movement: I have this stretching sensation sometimes but no baby movements.

Sleep: I have been sleeping so hard lately. I wake up a few times a night due to the crazy dreams I am having but I can tell I had been in a deep sleep, and I don't have any issues falling back to sleep.

What I Miss: Garlic, oh garlic how I will miss you over the next 7 months. My beloved Garlic is giving me indigestion. Boo. Oh and being able to enjoy a car ride, they are especially nauseating right now.

Cravings: nothing really sounds especially good. It's more of a "what doesn't sound bad" thing.
But Ben sure has been craving a lot of ice cream for me lately.

Anything making you quesy or sick: strong smells

Symptoms: Queasy, sour stomach, Very strong sense of smell, growing belly.

Belly Button in or out? I had an inny but is very quickly becoming more shallow

Best moment: My birthday was this week and my belly is starting to noticably stick out which is fun. I enjoyed sharing my big 2-5 with Smalls

Song of the Week: Ho Hey- The Lumineers, and the cover by Lennon & Maisy Stella


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